This Week on Broadway for December 6, 2015: Vivian Reed


Peter Filichia, James Marino, Michael Portantiere, and Matt Tamanini chat with Vivian Reed. We review NBC’s live broadcast of The Wiz, Al Pacino in China Doll, A Child’s Christmas in Wales @ Irish Rep, Gigantic @ Vineyard, Santaisa @ St Lukes, New York Animals @ The New Ohio Theater and talk about upcoming productions read more

This Week on Broadway for December 14, 2014: Mary Testa


Peter Filichia, James Marino, and Michael Portantiere talk with Mary Testa. Afterwards, we review The Elephant Man, Side Show’s closing, Something Rotten next at St. James, and what’s up with Laura Benanti. ———————————- This Week on Broadway has been coming to you (mostly) every week since March 16, 2009 and is read more