Today on Broadway: Tuesday, July 23, 2019


GroffSauce, Blanchard, and Borle to Do “Little Shop” Off-Broadway and Stephen Sondheim Joins “Road Show” Talk Back! “Today on Broadway” is a daily, Monday through Friday, podcast hitting the top theatre headlines of the day. Any and all feedback is appreciated: Ashley Steves [email protected] | @NoThisIsAshley James Marino [email protected] | read more

This Week on Broadway for July 5, 2015: Educational Theatre Association’s Thespian Festival


Peter Filichia, James Marino and Michael Portantiere talk about Educational Theatre Association’s Thespian Festival in Lincoln, NE, Little Shop of Horrors @ Encores! Off-Center, It Shoulda Been You, and MTC’s Of Good Stock.     ———————————- This Week on Broadway has been coming to you (mostly) every week since March 16, 2009 and read more