This Week on Broadway for September 8, 2013: The Fall Preview


James Marino, Aileen McKenna, and Michael Portantiere talk about The Tempest at the Delacorte Theater, Chris Sieber @ Birdland, “The Bluest Ink” Sondheim revue, Brian D’arcy James @ 54 Below, Cuba Gooding @ Tony’s Di Napoli, Hands on a Hardbody CD Launch @ Barnes & Noble and the Fall Preview with Il Divo?   Please take the BroadwayRadio survey read more

This Week on Broadway for April 8, 2013: Tom Hewitt is a Lucky Guy with Kinky Boots


Peter Filichia, James Marino and Michael Portantiere talk with Tom Hewitt. Reviewed: Kinky Boots, Lucky Guy, Finks, and Buyer & Cellar.   Please take the BroadwayRadio survey by CLICKING HERE. Subscribe to BroadwayRadio in iTunes by CLICKING HERE. If you would like to listen to the podcast, click on the arrow in the player read more