Today on Broadway: Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Theatre Stars Dominate 2019 Emmy Awards, Geena Davis Visits “Beetlejuice,” “Between the Lines” Musical Heading Off-Broadway “Today on Broadway” is a daily, Monday through Friday, podcast hitting the top theatre headlines of the day. Any and all feedback is appreciated: Ashley Steves [email protected] | @NoThisIsAshley James Marino [email protected] | @JamesMarino read more

This Week on Broadway for September 27, 2015: John Bolton


Peter Filichia, James Marino and Michael Portantiere chat with John Bolton. Carey Purcell reviews Spring Awakening, Peter reviews The Awful Truth, and they both weigh in on The Christians. Matt Tamanini talks about the Emmy Awards and Denzel Washington’s August Wilson project on HBO. The Hamilton OBCR is released this week!   ———————————- This Week on read more