This Week on Broadway for August 27, 2017: Scott Frankel, War Paint composer


Peter Filichia, James Marino and Michael Portantiere talk with Scott Frankel, the composer of War Paint. We talk about Prince of Broadway, The Ensemble for the Romantic Century’s production of Van Gogh’s Ear, Mint Theater Company’s production of The Suitcase Under the Bed, and the movie of Marjorie Prime at Quad Cinema.   This read more

This Week on Broadway for September 27, 2015: John Bolton


Peter Filichia, James Marino and Michael Portantiere chat with John Bolton. Carey Purcell reviews Spring Awakening, Peter reviews The Awful Truth, and they both weigh in on The Christians. Matt Tamanini talks about the Emmy Awards and Denzel Washington’s August Wilson project on HBO. The Hamilton OBCR is released this week!   ———————————- This Week on read more

This Week on Broadway for December 30, 2012: Les Miserables and the West End Boys


Peter Filichia, Mark Shenton and James Marino talk about the movie of Les Misérables, the London Theatre scene, Golden Age, 13 Things About Ed Carpolotti and much more.   Please take the BroadwayRadio survey by CLICKING HERE. Subscribe to BroadwayRadio in iTunes by CLICKING HERE. If you would like to listen to the podcast, click read more