This Week on Broadway for March 14, 2021: David Zippel


Peter Filichia, James Marino, and Michael Portantiere talk with David Zippel. This Week on Broadway has been coming to you every week since 2009. It is the longest running Broadway and theatrical podcast with hundreds of shows giving thousands of reviews and interviews. Subscribe to BroadwayRadio in Apple Podcasts by read more

This Week on Broadway for August 18, 2019: Sea Wall / A Life


Peter Filichia, James Marino, and Michael Portantiere talk about Sea Wall / A Life @ Hudson Theatre, Upcoming Little Shop and Jonathan Groff, #DateMe: An OkCupid Experiment @ Westside Theatre, The Drinkwater Brothers @ Jim Caruso’s Cast Party, Rock of Ages @ New World Stages, Billy Recce’s Snowflake Jamboree! @ read more

This Week on Broadway for September 4, 2016: The Wells Fargo Wagon Has Crashed


Peter Filichia, James Marino, and Michael Portantiere discuss Melissa Errico, The New York Times Kills Regional Theater Coverage, Crashlight @ Cherry Lane Theatre, The King and I and Willy Wonka (movies), Spamilton, Monster Makers, Gene Wilder, David Zippel, and the misguided Wells Fargo Ad. ———————————- This Week on Broadway has been coming to you every week (mostly) read more