Today on Broadway: Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Theatre Stars Dominate 2019 Emmy Awards, Geena Davis Visits “Beetlejuice,” “Between the Lines” Musical Heading Off-Broadway “Today on Broadway” is a daily, Monday through Friday, podcast hitting the top theatre headlines of the day. Any and all feedback is appreciated: Ashley Steves [email protected] | @NoThisIsAshley James Marino [email protected] | @JamesMarino read more

Today on Broadway: Monday, September 23, 2019


“13” and “A Christmas Carol” Getting Movie Musicals, “Joseph” in Negotiations for Broadway, Incredible Cast for Public’s “A Bright Room Called Day” “Today on Broadway” is a daily, Monday through Friday, podcast hitting the top theatre headlines of the day. Any and all feedback is appreciated: Ashley Steves [email protected] | read more

Today on Broadway: Friday, August 30, 2019


“Merrily” Movie, “Company” Revival, Multiple Shows Moving Theatres, “Lehman Trilogy” Transfer, and Much More! “Today on Broadway” is a daily, Monday through Friday, podcast hitting the top theatre headlines of the day. Any and all feedback is appreciated: Ashley Steves [email protected] | @NoThisIsAshley James Marino [email protected] | @JamesMarino Matt Tamanini read more

BroadwayRadio Special: Eddie Perfect, composer and lyricist, “Beetlejuice”


James Marino speaks with Eddie Perfect about his first two Broadway shows, “Beetlejuice” and “King Kong.” Guest: Eddie Perfect, composer and lyricist, “Beetlejuice” Eddie Perfect is an Australian composer, lyricist, playwright, musician and performer. His works for the stage include Shane Warne The Musical (Token Events) for which he won read more

This Week on Broadway for April 28, 2019: Beetlejuice and Tootsie


Peter Filichia, James Marino, and Michael Portantiere review MasterVoices’ production of Lady in the Dark @ City Center, Beetlejuice, Tootsie, All My Sons, Safeword @ The American Theatre of Actors,  Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus, and Ink   This Week on Broadway has been coming to you every week read more