This Week on Broadway for December 18, 2016: Rory Max Kaplan


Jena Tesse Fox, James Marino, and Michael Portantiere talk with Rory Max Kaplan. Reviews include Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812, In Transit, The Band’s Visit @ Atlantic Theater Company, The Babylon Line @ Lincoln Center Theater,  The New York Pops presents Make The Season Bright, and Salome @ The Metropolitan read more

This Week on Broadway for July 17, 2011: Hair today, Iceman Tomorrow?


Peter Filichia, Michael Portantiere and James Marino discuss Hair’s return to Broadway, New Jersey Youth Theater, Broadway’s Rising Stars, Brooke Shields in The Addams Family, Iceman Cometh (to Broadway?), Salome, Tony Stevens, Jerome Rosenfeld and Love Never made it to Broadway.