Class Notes: Alex Hurt from “Patriots”


Listen: Lauren Class Schneider talks to Alex Hurt, playing Alexander LItvinenko in “Patriots” at the Barrymore Theatre. Alex Hurt as Alexander Litvinenko in Patriots by Peter Morgan, directed by Rupert Goold ©Matthew Murphy “Class Notes” actively covers New York’s current theater season on, off, and off-off Broadway. For a transcript read more

Class Notes: Clare O’Malley from “Philadelphia, Here I Come!”


Listen: Lauren Class Schneider talks to Clare O’Malley, who plays Katie Doogan in “Philadelphia, Here I Come!” at the Irish Repertory Theatre. “Class Notes” actively covers New York’s current theater season on, off, and off-off Broadway. Clare O’Malley and David McElwee in Irish Rep’s 2024 production of PHILADELPHIA, HERE I read more

Class Notes: Mona Pirnot from “I Love You So Much I Could Die”


Listen: Lauren Class Schneider talks to Mona Pirnot, writer and star of “I Love You So Much I Could Die” at New York Theatre Workshop. “Class Notes” actively covers New York’s current theater season on, off, and off-off Broadway. Mona Pirnot in I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I COULD DIE read more

Class Notes: Chilina Kennedy from “A Sign Of The Times”


Listen: Lauren Class Schneider talks to Chilina Kennedy, who plays “Cindy” in “A Sign Of The Times” at New World Stages. Chilina Kennedy in A Sign of the Times, directed by Gabriel Barre (CREDIT: Jeremy Daniel, 2024) “Class Notes” actively covers New York’s current theater season on, off, and off-off read more

Class Notes: Jon Hoche from “Poor Yella Rednecks”


Listen: Lauren Class Schneider talks to Jon Hoche, cast member of “Poor Yella Rednecks” at MTC at New York City Center–Stage I Jon Hoche “Class Notes” actively covers New York’s current theater season on, off, and off-off Broadway. Paco Tolson, Jon Hoche, Samantha Quan, Ben Levin, and Jon Norman Schneider read more

Class Notes: Ellen Harvey from “Dracula a Comedy of Terrors”


Ellen Harvey, James Daly and Arnie Burton TERRORS. photo by Matthew Murphy Listen: Lauren Class Schneider talks to Ellen Harvey, cast member of “Dracula a Comedy of Terrors” at New World Stages. Ellen Harvey in DRACULA, A COMEDY OF TERRORS. photo by Matthew Murphy “Class Notes” actively covers New York’s read more

Class Notes: Bryan Batt from “Pay the Writer”


Bryan Batt as Bruston Fischer in Pay the Writer, directed by Karen Carpenter, photographed by Jeremy Daniel Listen: Lauren Class Schneider talks to Bryan Batt, star of “Pay the Writer” at the Pershing Square Signature Center. Bryan Batt as Bruston Fischer and Ron Canada as Cyrus Holt in Pay the read more