Today on Broadway: Thursday, September 5, 2019


City Center Finds it’s Evita, “Little Shop” Extends, Matt Defends the Honor of New York Theatre “Today on Broadway” is a daily, Monday through Friday, podcast hitting the top theatre headlines of the day. Any and all feedback is appreciated: Ashley Steves [email protected] | @NoThisIsAshley James Marino [email protected] | @JamesMarino read more

This Week on Broadway for July 20, 2014: Side Show and Elaine Stritch


Peter Filichia, James Marino and Michael Portantiere talk with Steven Bell about the Kennedy Center production of Side Show. We review A Celebration of Mary Rodgers, Pump Boys and Dinettes @ Encores! Off-Center, NYMF shows: The Gig and Der Gelbe Stern (The Yellow Star). We also talk about the passing of Elaine Stritch.   Please take the read more

This Week on Broadway for May 11, 2009: a Stritch in Time


[display_podcast] This Week on Broadway: May 11, 2009 — a Stritch in Time ============================== 2009 Theatre World Awards ============================== Love Never Dies, Sequel to Lloyd Webber’s Phantom, Is Delayed ============================== Why we love Phantom of the Opera (ALW’s original) ============================== Wall to Wall Broadway Symphony Space is doing Wall to read more