All the Drama: “Beyond the Horizon,” 1920 Winner, Pulitzer Prize for Drama


All The Drama is hosted by Jan Simpson. It is a series of deep dives into the plays that have won The Pulitzer Prize for Drama. The Pulitzer Prize for Drama: “Beyond the Horizon”1920 Pulitzer winner “Beyond the Horizon,” the first of the four plays by Eugene O’Neill to win read more

This Week on Broadway for March 18, 2012: Damn Yankees, Damn Mike Daisey


Peter Filichia, Michael Portantiere and James Marino talk about Damn Yankees at Paper Mill, Illiad, Beyond the Horizon, The Maids, In This House, Ah Wilderness, 1776, and some of the week’s news. Please take the BroadwayRadio survey by CLICKING HERE. If you would like to listen to the podcast, click on the read more